Monday, June 1, 2015

+++ +++ Greek crisis: Tsipras: Greece’s first victim of the … – ABC Online

Updated on Monday, 06.01.2015, 08:03
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Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis? Or is it already too late? In Greece, the pressure on the government is growing. . All the information in the news ticker

  • Athens running out of money – but an agreement seems in sight .
  • In the coming months, massive debt repayments are in.
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The facts:. The negotiations the Greek Government with the European donors dressed. But time is pressing. Without binding commitments under the reform blocked emergency loans amounting to 7.2 billion euros can not flow. The funds in Athens are empty, in June alone are repayments of almost 1.6 billion euros to the IMF on. The state of negotiations, there is contradictory information. Athens sees the talks close to completion. According to negotiators Tsakalotos is already negotiating the next financial package. At the German delegation of the G7 summit wants to know nothing about progress. On Monday, Merkel, Hollande and Juncker are advised in Berlin about a way out of the Greek crisis

Slovenia complains. We have given more than Germany

Monday June 1, 7.13 Clock: Slovenia feels at efforts to save Greece from Athens reset. “Greek Prime Minister Tsipras has never come to me,” said the Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar defendant now in Ljubljana. The small Alpine-Adriatic country has Greece given loans and guarantees worth 1.55 billion euros, which corresponds to 3.1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), the politician explained his criticism. Germany and France have provided, however only 2.4 percent of their GDP. “And half of my own country is less developed than Greece,” said Cerar.

Juncker warns: A “Grexit” would Europe concerns do not detract from

22.14 Clock: A withdrawal of Greece from the monetary union would the euro zone, according to EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker give more problems than they solve. “This idea that we have fewer worries and constraints if Greece delivers the euro, I do not share,” he said the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” (Monday). On the day on which a country should leave the euro, “the idea would fix in the minds, that the euro is not just irreversible”. Then international investors could withdraw.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), French President Francois Hollande and Juncker are looking for this Monday at their meeting in Berlin again for a way out of the Greek crisis. Although Greece is officially not the core of the Berlin talks, “I would be very surprised if he did not would”, Juncker the “SZ” said.

The Commission asked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on to continue to participate in the aid for Greece. “I can not imagine that we go alone to me,” he said. IMF head Christine Lagarde had recently declared at the meeting of G-7 finance ministers to save Greece, is a matter for the euro area countries. “Without the IMF, it will not go,” disagreed Juncker. This would meet, among others, in the Bundestag with great resistance.

Unions faction leader Volker Kauder said on Sunday evening in the “Report from Berlin” the ARD: “The IMF has to be.” Otherwise, the CDU / CSU parliamentary group was ready to stop further aid for Greece.

Athens urgently needs new capital injections in order to avert the threat of state bankruptcy. For this purpose, however, the lenders require a comprehensive reform program.

Greece ‘first victim’ of neoliberals in the EU

Review: that even after months stand no agreement, not lying on the intransigence of Athens, but to neoliberal forces in the EU, which wanted to set an example to his country, wrote the Left politicians in an article for “Le Monde”. His country had different than claiming rows submit reform proposals einbrächten more taxes.

Greece’s problems discuss on Monday Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), French President Francois Hollande and European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker at a meeting in Berlin chancellery. Juncker said the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” (Monday), although Greece was not officially core of the conversation, “I would be very surprised if he was not there.”

“Greece is the first victim” wrote Tsipras. “All countries that do not want to give in to the power (the neoliberals), should therefore be severely punished.” The penalties existed not only in the imposition of a strict austerity policy, but could also prevention of payments or the introduction of a parallel currency alongside the euro result have

In the video:. Right-wing Greeks foment EU-hatred with a torch march

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